No longer retained in herd
DOB: June 2, 2008
Ethel freshened for the first time on May 1 with a single doeling. Unfortunately the little doe favored one side, and we did not realize it until the damage had been done, so Ethel’s udder is lopsided. Hopefully, it will even out with subsequent freshenings. She has large orifices, excellent udder texture and is easy to milk. The photo was taken towards the end of her pregnancy.
Maly Valentino’s Ethel Merman | Deb’s Whisperwoods PG Valentino *S | 4 Fun Gay-Mor Lemon Pot-O-Gold *S | 4 Fun Val’s Twist of Lemon *S |
ARMCH Gay-Mor’s Magic Naiad 5*D E | |||
Gay-Mor’s Blue Looney Meg Ryan 2*D | Gay-Mor’s T Blue Looneytoons ++*S | ||
Munchranch East Nellie Backata *D AR1533 | |||
Maly PG Annie Oakley | Rosasharn FS Pegasus *S VG | MCH Twin Creeks WG Fire Storm *S | |
ARMCH Rosasharn’s Eclipse 2*D E | |||
Buttin’Heads Too Red Caboose *D VG | Buttin’Heads Galziping Ghost *S | ||
Buttin’Heads Too Baby Carriage |