AOF AJ’s Scarlet O’Hara 3*M


DOB: 3-12-2011

Scarlet was one of dam-raised quad does and was on the smaller side, so she freshened for the first time as a two year old with twin bucklings. She had quads as a three year old. She has a super soft udder with large orifices, making it easy to milk her, even though her teats could be longer. Both pictures are from her second freshening (as a three year old).

Scarlet earned her milk star on butterfat with ADGA as a first freshener.

Milk Records
Age at Freshening Total Days in Milk Total Pounds Milked Pounds Butterfat % BF Pounds Protein % Protein Height (in.) Notes
1.10 288 399 23 5.8 15 3.8 2013 DHIR
2.10 296 640 32 5.0 26 4.1 2014 DHIR
3.11 269 680 33 4.9 27 4.0 2015 DHIR
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