ARMCH GCH Twin Creeks DJ Scandal 3*D 2*M VG

4 year old CH Scandal

DOB: February 6, 2003

AGS (D-21420), ADGA (D1348739)

On May 21, 2007, Scandal was Grand Champion Senior Doe under Tim Ness, earning her third AGS leg, and qualifying her for MCH status. Congratulations, Scandal!

Scandal was purchased as a yearling first freshener in 2004. She has always shown great length of body, levelness of rump, and overall appearance. Her udder has a wonderful texture that makes it very easy to milk, and she has never given us any problems on the milkstand. Her capacity has also greatly improved on each freshening, giving her a much better udder for her size. She has a wonderful personality.

Scandal was classified most recently in May 2011, when she earned a score of 89.1, VG, under Tim Flickinger.

Show Records

3 year old

3rd Freshener


4 year old

4th Freshener

3 x GCH senior (unofficial)

2 x GCH senior (AGS senior legs)

2 x Best Udder

3 x GCH (1st ADGA leg / 3rd AGS leg, 2nd and 3rd ADGA legs)

1 x RGCH

Milk Records
Age at Freshening Total Days in Milk Total Pounds Milked Pounds Butterfat % BF Pounds Protein % Protein Height (in.) Notes
1.02 60 137 10 7.3% 5 3.6% 18.5 DHIR; Record from old herd; ended when sold to Antiquity Oaks
3.02 275 365 22 6.0% 15 4.1% 19.5 2006 DHIR
4.03 22 4.1 5.3% 3.4% 18.6 One-day test;
#10 on AGS Top 10 for 2007 One-Day Production (High Milk)
7.02 250 505 34 6.7% 18 3.6% 19 2010 DHIR
8.01 239 477 26 5.5% 19 4.0% 2011 DHIR (left herd)
ARMCH GCH Twin Creeks DJ Scandal 3*D 2*M VG Rosasharn’s TL Don Juan *S ARMCH Rosasharn’s Tiger L +*S E Stonewall’s Apocalypse Now +S
ARMCH Goodwood Water Lily *D VG
ARMCH Rosasharn’s Guadalupe Moteada 3*D ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S E
Stonewall’s Baby ‘Uddercup 2*D (1 x GCH, 1 x RGCH, 1 x BU)
MCH (GCH) Twin Creeks BW Fantasea 2*D 1*M E MCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++*S E Twin Creeks Brave Heart +S
MCH Piddlin Acres Tiny Bubbles *D E
MCH (PGCH) Raha Acres Twink’s Pixie *D E Goodwood Mr. Periwinkle +S
Dav-Lyn Twinkle Toes E
(4x GCH, 2x RGCH, 3x BU)