ARMCH Antiquity Oaks Carmen *D 1*M VG AR1955

ARMCH Carmen

Additional Pictures

DOB: February 25, 2004

Carmen has a lot going for her in addition to her ARMCH status. She has excellent resistance to internal parasites, which is a trait that we are breeding towards. She is a very easy keeper — too easy, in fact! She was still going strong at 342 days in her 2011 lactation when we decided to dry her up because she was getting too fat, and we couldn’t keep her on the milk stand without grain. She has spent most of 2012 in the pasture with no supplements and doesn’t look like she has lost a pound. She is due to kid around August 18.

She has a beautiful udder still in 2012 at age 8 — well attached all the way around, high rear, and smooth fore udder, although I would be happy if she had longer teats. She did not start out as a very strong milker, giving only 2 pounds a day at her peak in 2005 as a first freshener yearling. She peaked at 3.8 pounds in 2006 as a second freshener – or 3.6 pounds on

official DHI test. Her high test day in 2011 as a 7 year old was 3.7 pounds. Although she doesn’t have the high peaks of some goats, she is certainly consistent in her production, and in the midst of our 2011 heat wave, her production seemed unaffected through the 100 degree temperatures, while the other goats all saw drastic reductions in production.

In 2006, Carmen earned her first AGS leg under Julie Matthys as a

two-year-old second freshener. That same year, under Don Bergfield,

her daughter Lizzie Borden won GCH junior

doe, earning her junior AGS leg. In 2007, her daughter

Mm Butterfly earned her junior

leg at 2 1/2 months under Valerie Ciesynski. Butterfly’s daughter, Cicada, is still in our herd. As a third freshening

three year old, Carmen completed her ARMCH with two more GCH wins.

In 2011, at age 7, Carmen was classified by Tim Flickinger as VG with a score of 89.9 – so close to an E! We’re still proud of her though, as she is holding up beautifully with age.

We kept a buck out of Carmen a few years ago, Pinkerton *S VG, unfortunately we did not use him much when he was young, so it was very sad when we lost him in 2011. He classified at 89.2, a high VG rating, under Tim Flickinger in May 2011.

Carmen herself is named after the opera, and her kids are all named after operas or opera characters.

Retained Does: Lizzie Borden 2*D VG (2005)

Show Records

1 year old

1st Freshener


2 year old

2nd Freshener


3 year old

3rd Freshener

1 x RGCH

4 x 1st

2 x 2nd

GCH (Julie Matthys/1st AGS leg)

2 x 1st

3 x 2nd

1 x 4th (class of 12)

GCH (Stephen Richter/2nd AGS leg)

GCH (Lisa Syneseal/3rd AGS leg)

RGCH (Timothy Ness)

Best Udder in Show (Jennifer Lohman-Peterson)

Milk Records
Age at Freshening Total Days in Milk Total Pounds Milked Pounds Butterfat % BF Pounds Protein % Protein Height (in.) Notes
2.00 286 507 30 5.9% 20 3.9% 19.5 2006 DHIR
3.1 260 470 27 5.7 17 4.0 2007 DHIR
5.11 171 348 18 5.2 12 3.4 19 2010 DHIR
7.00 342 659 44 6.7% 28 4.2% 2011 DHIR
ARMCH Antiquity Oaks Carmen *D 1*M VG Antiquity Oaks John Adams VG
4 x GCH
Sugar Creek Red’s Hot Rod Piddlin Acres Red Hot Number
ARMCH Jobi Lovely 3*D AR
Moonshine Acres Starlet Moment *D Moonshine Acres Space Oddity
Moonshine Acres Kind of Magic
Dream Acres Flash Dancer HBF Flash O Light’n MCH Willows White Light’n +S E
HBF Madison *D
Piddlin Acres Blue Cloudancer MCH/PGCH Piddlin Acres Blue Thunder ++*S VG
Flat Rocks Agate